Dogs and Yoga?

I woke up exceptionally early this morning.  Normally this might annoy me however today was different.  Today this is good.  I have an early morning meeting and I still had time to do my yoga.  I have started doing yoga in the morning and my walks at night.  I am trying a new routine.  Well this morning was especially interesting, my dog decided to join me.  Can you imagine a dog doing yoga?  I can’t say it was very productive however I enjoyed the company.  She sat attentively next to me.  She would circle me when I was doing standing poses and she would try to prompt me to play in my sitting poses.  It was very entertaining.  We will see if this turns in to a ritual for her as well.

My morning began peacefully and I feel refreshed.  I enjoyed the simplicity of the laughter my dogs actions prompted.  Isn’t it the simple things in life that bring us the greatest joy?  When was the last time you did something silly unintentionally?  Did it make you smile?  Laugh?  Or better yet did it make others laugh?  Some of my most embarrassing moments have added to my personal folklore.  In the tempo of the day make sure to stop and notice these moments.  They will add a wonderful spice to your life and a smile to your face.

My Friday mantra; My yoga mornings have gone to the dogs.

What a blessing!