Ready for Game Day and Update

Well…..I am 11 days in to my 30 day challenge.
I have to say I have not been faithful in reading the book on this topic however I have been faithful in actions which reflect living in the moment.
I have had a few unexpected events surface this year. They include; a dear friend with a tough health issue, greater insight on a family relocation as well as news of financial strife being suffered by someone very close to me.
Like most of us, I have been watching the weather more than usual. Some days the forecast makes me laugh, other days it makes me sigh. I am glad to share the blustery cold with more of the country.

Usually Nebraska and the Midwest are the central location for bad weather. This may come in the form of tornadoes or this time of year – snow and ice storms. We have had plenty of both this year as well as a few days of sub-zero temps….
In summary – the weather has provided frigid fireworks throughout the country this year.
I share all of these data points as potential points of light for my 30 days of living challenge. All of these points present me with opportunities to give and to help. Make a contribution.

I will share a few things that I have done in hopes of stoking just a little inspiration for YOU.
Right now the stores are clearing out their winter clothing. It’s a great time to purchase coats and blankets inexpensively. ALL of the shelters are in need right now and I know they would greatly appreciate anything you would bring in.
Have you ever adopted an animal cage at your local animal shelter? I didn’t know this was possible until 2 weeks ago. Again, this is a nice way to support a worthy cause. If you don’t want to do this solo, perhaps you could entice co-workers or members of your church family to join you?
Lastly, I am going to embark on a project to help others who are living in squalor….yes, I am talking about Haiti. I heard about ladies making dresses from pillowcases to send to the children of Haiti and I am going to join this cause. I am not exactly sure how this will take shape…I am in the planning phase – the fact that I am not a seamstress will also make this interesting.
I will keep you posted on progress….

As I close out this entry let me encourage you to send a card, call a friend, take cookies to a neighbor… something to show others you care. It’s just the RX you need during these cold winter months!

Tell Me a Story

During the past few days I have been going much introspection. Which direction are my kids heading? Where is my career heading? How do I feel about my volunteer work? Can I make some changes? You Bet!

When I think about all of the contributions available to us….wow! We all have the same 24 hours in the day and how we choose them makes the difference between feeling fulfilled and seeking.
Most people have a balance of these two attributes. When we get out of balance we get agitated and we become short.

We we are acting in complete selflessness it is amazing how much we can do. Getting to the point of selflessness can be a great challenge. It means we must put ourselves out of our minds….

So how do we do this? We shift our focus on someone or something else. Really look under the hood and cultivate a sincere interest in this other “something.” This becomes the seed from which great giving and compassion can take root.

Want to try it out? Try having a conversation with the next child or eldlerly person you come in to contact with…they have stories. THey want to share.

Enjoy the moment and let me know how it goes….I love a good story.

A Ray of Sunshine

This week has been a very interesting week.  The snow is falling again and the gray skies seem commonplace.  I realized how much I enjoy the sunshine.  The warm rays caressing my face means a smile will follow.  Sunshine makes a big difference in my day.  I have noticed that it also makes a difference in everyone around me.  We all seem grumpier when it’s gray.  Our challenge is to find the sunshine in other things.

I found a different sunshine while helping others this week.  I made a quick decision to help someone get better (healthier) and it opened my eyes and my mind to how much need is right in front of me.  Actually it is in front of all of us if we just look.  However if you look you will be required to take action.  Even to ignore the need is taking action so the alternative of not looking becomes very attractive. 

I have SUNSHINE for you…..take a look at what and who is in front of you.  What do they need?  Can you provide part or all of what they are looking for?  Trust the abundance that life holds and give a little.  That’s where the sunshine takes over.  You will be beaming from all corners of your soul and the best part…’s contagious.  Can you start a little wave of sunshine?