Checking in on 30 Days

I am still going through my 30 day exercise and so far so good.  I must admit I will probably have to stretch 30 days out to a minimum of 60 but the results will be worth it.  The one thing that I am finding a constant is a “shift of mind.” 

When I am thinking of others first my days and moments go much better.  I have an exercise for you to try…the next time you are in a REALLY rotten mood I want you to think about who is at the center of your thought processes.  I have a feeling you may be surprised.  For me – the negative mood is radiating from a selfish streak where I seem consumed in a thought pattern solely focused on me.  You know the ones….

oh I hate how this feels

I hate my hair today

I can’t believe they did that to me,

The list goes on and on…..these are by far the worst of times for many of us.

Try changing direction with your thoughts….what is there happening around you that is good?  Isn’t it great to see another day.  Are you glad to have hair albeit – wild?  When someone strikes out at you, do you turn the other cheek and refuse to let the situation bring you down?  In retrospect when someone approaches you negatively have you ever noticed it usually isn’t about you at all? 

Back to my 30 days….let’s try a little retrospection – think of others and your surroundings…how would they appear if this were your final 30 days?

Here I come sunshine :)!

30 Days and Counting?

Hello New Year….
Wow we are 15 days in to 2011 and I can tell this year will pass even faster than the last.
Did you make resolutions this year? I picked up a book called “30 Days to Live.”   This book captures Christian principles and encourages the reader to apply them for 30 days as if they were their last.
I realize this may sound a bit morbid however I have chosen to focus on the premise of optimization versus any negative context that could be driven from this topic.
This book has motivated me to take on new behaviors and viewpoints. Currently I am attempting to approach all situations from an aspect of love. Loving kindness is a quality lacking in the world.

My goal is to be a small instrument of these 2 areas. One first step for me has been to spend more time in quiet surrender to the day. When was the last time you just listened in silence? It was awkward for me at first but over time it is getting easier.

The first time I sat in silence, my mind raced. I thought about all the things I could be doing. It felt like a waste of time and a small voice of guilt tried to creep in to my thoughts but I kept pushing it out. I finally stopped fighting the hollow sounds of nothing and gave in. whoosh – there I was. I don’t mind sharing – it was odd. Believe it or not – it’s hard to think about nothing. In this world of hyperactivity and multitasking X2….nothing is nearly a curse word.
I am here to tell you it’s not a curse but a blessing. It also helps frame my day, my week and my overall vantage point.

I will continue to work through my 30 days and embrace the changes that present themselves.

I wish you all a very Happy 2011 and wish for you the peace and serenity of “nothing.”

More to follow…..