The Power of Thought

Good Morning day.  It’s going to rock.  As you read my first two sentences I wonder how many of you think – wow, what is she taking?  And how many of you think, that’s right.  Let’s get this awesome day started.  The idea that our thoughts contribute to our health and well-being is not a new concept but it is one that requires greater concentration and focus.  We are bombarded with messages 24/7 through various media and technological devices.

As we enter the day it is important that we focus on the things we have control over, the things we can change.  It starts with our thoughts and our attitude.  These are amplified through our actions and interactions with others.  Are you a blessing to others?  Do you feel like a gray cloud surrounds you?  Think about the information you are allowing in to your life and in to your mind.  Is it positive  Is it negative?  Does it make you laugh or cry?  This is one major area where you have the ability to make a change.  I have gone on a news strike on more than one occasion.  When I do this I find that I  am much happier and grounded.

I also store positive mental pictures for future use….  A couple of examples include a light breeze whistling through the trees with the birds chirping in the background.  Another picture would be the laughter of children playing on a playground.  These pieces of sunshine feed my internal light and hopefully reflect back in to the world at some point.

As we enter summer I would encourage you to think about your mindset.  What do you think about?  How can you bless yourself and bless others?  Focus on the things you can change and watch a beautiful new world emerge.  All is well, brilliant and beautiful.  Welcome Summer 2012.



Today the news was pelted with another story about a shooting at a high school.  As I listened to the news I was driving between the grocery store and home.  I noticed that I drove past 4 schools, 1 high school, 1 middle school and 2 elementary schools.  I imagined all of the children nestled in their classrooms.  Earlier in the day parents rushed through their Monday routine to get their week off to a great start.

As the parents said good-bye to their children I am sure they all envisioned the safety of classrooms, classmates and faculty.  How could a world like this be shattered with senseless violence?  I cannot imagine the agony of everyone involved in such a senseless act. 

Our future is swaying in the balance right now.  Our children deserve a childhood filled with love and laughter.  Safety should not be a preoccupation for their active minds.  We have to be a better society.  Have electronics separated us from our children?  Do you know what your kids are thinking?  feeling?  Who are their friends?  If they are hurting inside, would you know?  Would you know what to do?

I want to strongly encourage all of us to reach out to ALL of the young people around us.  They need us.  Children need role models.  Children need love.  Children need the safety to blossom and grow.  Please take a moment and think about the young minds you encounter.  We can all make a difference…reach out.

Children are a blessing from God.  They are our future.  We can do this.

Valentines Day Everyday?

Last week we celebrated Valentines Day.  The day when we exchange cards, sweets, flowers and messages of love and devotion.  Wouldn’t it be interesting to celebrate the attribute of love everyday? 

Isn’t this what we are called to do? 

It goes beyond the romantic love we read about in novels and greeting cards.  There is the love of family, the love of friends and so many other channels of love.

Christianity calls us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  Now, there’s a challenge. 

How would the world change if we behaved with this Golden Rule in mind? 

I am still working on my resolutions for 2012 and they are going well however I am going to add one, celebrate love every day.  It surrounds us if we will simply look for it.  It can be found in the smile from a family member or the kind gesture from a friend.  If you look at life through the eyes of love the world becomes a warmer and beautiful place.  Sounds like an oasis, doesn’t it?  It can be our reality with a change of perspective.

I am grateful for the gift of LOVE!

Happy Valentines Day.

Game Day

Can you hear the roar of cheering crowds this time of year?

Football has indeed returned.  Whether it’s the Friday night lights illuminating the sky in small towns across the United States or major stadiums rocking with action in major cities on Sunday….football is back.

For me, football is filled with tradition.  There are school songs to be sung and special meals to be made.  Who can attend a football game without a hotdog and a cold beverage?  Then there is the special attire.  Depending on the weather this could range from snow boots to sandals and the favorite jersey for my team.  The preparation can take a good amount of time and thought.

The excitement builds on and off the field.

For the teams, there’s the pre-game meal and rituals, warm up and then…the grand entrance.  When I think about all of the people involved in creating the hype of the game the numbers area staggering.  The band is playing, the crowds are singing and the food vendors are keeping the grills cooking.  It is an American pastime. 

There are so many things to celebrate both on and off the field.  The spirit of competition and pride is heartwarming.  Many life lessons can be applied to game day.  Teamwork, perseverance, hard work and dedication to name a few.

So as you watch your favorite team hit the gridiron, think about all of the hours of hard work put in by the teams, the support staff, families and more.  Go team go!


Recently I had the opportunity to support a family member in pursuit of a dream. It is an honor to support others.
I wish we spent more time focused on how to support other people – family included. There is much celebration about being the leader however there is very little celebration for the supporting roles. They are also important an vital to success.

I compare it to being on an athletic team. You won’t find a successful quarterback on a football team without an outstanding offensive line.
The same rule applies to a person with a dream. It is critical to have a support group around you. Other people can bring different viewpoints, energy as well as support. These synergies create something wonderful.
You also learn by being in a support role. Watching another person pursue a dream, a passion in their life provides many lessons. You start thinking about, how can I add value? How can I compliment efforts here?
When the focus is on someone else – amazing things happen.
I am grateful for my recent journey and my renewed faith in the power of having a dream. Is there someone you can support? Is there a dream calling your name?

The possibilities are endless……

Who do you need to Pray for?

How do we deal with challenges and hurts?  Have you ever prayed for someone who has “wronged” you?  I tried this recently and the immediate sensation was that of relief…..what a welcome change to the contempt I was feeling…warning, this didn’t last long.  Unfortunately, another negative encounter took place and my old friend anger was back….so I was back at it – praying for this person.  I have learned that this sense of relief and serenity is going to take patience and time.  I have decided to continue praying and am looking forward to the growth and final outcome. 

We are all human and bound to find conflict from time to time.  I will continue to pray and give it up.  I am grateful for the God’s grace and have complete faith that God will take care of all things…..myself included.

Wishing you Grace and Gratitude…..Have a great day!

Life is Art

This time of year, it is easy to imagine life as art.  When I walk thru the neighborhood I see the splendor of nature.  The trees are flowering in beautiful shades of pink, purple and plum.  These trees also smell amazing this time of year.  The spring bulbs have been up for a couple of weeks now.  Tulips and daffodils frame sidewalks with their cheerful colors and shapes.  This is truly life as art. 

As you travel through your day today keep an eye out for this natural splendor.  It is a feast for the eyes and senses.  I am grateful for all of the art which surrounds me.

‘Tis the Season…….

It is Holy Week. This week is filled with emotion and gratitude.
I have spent much of the week thinking about sacrifice and dedication. What have these words evolved to mean in society today? Are we willing to make sacrifices to attain our goals? Are we willing to make sacrifices to help others? Are there things you have gone without? What have the people around you sacrificed to help you? Time, resources or perhaps their own needs and dreams?
Can you take my idea a step further? Are there things that you can do to help others? Can you help others attain their dream? How would this feel? Can you provide a meal for a hungry soul? There are opportunities all around us if we simply take a moment to look.
It is humbling to think about what others have done for us. I would encourage you to take some time and think about this topic. I hope it will stir a new level of gratitude within you and perhaps action to help others.

Happy Easter

Spring Cleaning=Ideas

Spring Fever is back. The season is starting to change and with it comes more energy and a sense of renewal all around. I love seeing the flowers begin to sprout and the promise of buds on the trees.
It is also a terrific time to do a little internal spring cleaning or spring clearing. Winter can bring more than frozen toes. For some us, we may have placed ideas and aspirations on a shelf. These ideas and aspirations get crowded out with the pulse of daily life. Errands to run, deadlines to meet, events to attend….time simply runs out.

In everyone’s life there is one level playing field for all of us – TIME! We are all blessed with the same 24 hour clock. You can’t buy more time, you can’t extend it.

Now back to these ideas or inspirations, my goal is to take them off the shelf, dust them off and find a specific time in my day to place them. This is also a reflection of time management. Spring is a perfect time to reevaluate how I am doing in this area. Do I need a bigger calendar, a smaller one or how about just one that I use? I am currently working in between 3 of them.

I am grateful for the change of seasons and the promise of new life. My challenge will be to apply this to my personal life as well.
Join me for a little clearing?

Grateful for an Honor Code?

I would usually not comment on a controversial current event however in this case I could not resist. I know you have heard about it –  the BYU basketball player who has been suspended due to breaking the BYU honor code.

Now here is an epic idea….an honor code.

Don’t we all have one? What do you stand for? Do you say what you mean? These may sound like trivial and vague questions however the they are truly at the heart of who we are. 
In this case you have a reputable school with an honor code which embodies many attributes of behavior and gives instruction on what is and is not permissable.  By signing it you are agreeing to obey this code.
For an incoming student, this is a noble move – making a commitment to behave in a certain way in order to reflect positively on the University and encouraging a level of personal accountability.  Recently a star athlete admitted to breaking this code and has now been suspended from the team.
While many think this is a tragedy or fodder for a late-night comedy rant – it is an appropriate response based on their honor code.

In an age when athletes are given “passes” for many reasons it is refreshing to watch an institution and a team deal with a tough situation with honesty and integrity.

I am grateful for the wisdom of integrity and would submit there are many lessons to be learned from this situation.
I may even have to become a cougar fan?