
Have you heard the saying that the best art comes in a frame? 

Your mind may go to the thoughts of a wall-hanging however this quote was made in the context of the frame of a window or the frame of your thoughts. 

This morning I saw a most beautiful piece of art.  It was a fiery orange burst of color against the backdrop of a lavender/blue sky.  The colors meshed similar to a kaleidoscope changing before my eyes.  In this sunrise I wished I had the picture in a frame on my wall.  The view was breathtaking. 

I stood and watched the evolution of color.  In the background a chorus of birds sang to me while a soft hush whispered through the trees.  The scent of grass tickled my nose. 

It was a magnificent moment.

A wave of gratitude washed through every cell of my being. 

What a marvelous morning. 

This is a perfect way to view a new day. 

I now have a piece of priceless art safely tucked in to my mind.  I hope you will take a moment to find a magnificent piece of art during your day.  It might be found in the giggle of a child or the greeting of a loyal pet.  The moments surround us. 

I am grateful for the Art in my Days…..what is in your frame?

Spring Cleaning

When was the last time you really cleaned house? 

I am referring to the ritual of going through drawers and closets and getting rid of anything you haven’t used in the last year.  Have you done this within the last year?  By the looks of my drawers and closets – I am overdue to clean….by a long shot. 

I am preparing for graduation and the visit of many loved ones.  I look forward to hosting this event.  It is times like these that help us all to reflect, celebrate and yes….clean!  I have been sorting, painting and organizing for a couple of weeks.  Perhaps you are also going through this exercise this spring?  It is a lot of work however it has hidden rewards.

There is something therapeutic about sorting through items and taking the trip down memory lane.  I have many items that I look at and I can remember the event or circumstance associated with it.  Some of these memories bring smiles, others bring tears and the ultimate response tends to be – “wow, I didn’t know I still had this.”  Then the rush of relief and familiarity washes through my mind as I celebrate the “stuff.”

Spring cleaning and clearing is a great time to reflect and prepare for a new season!  I am grateful for all of the memories and look forward to many more.  Congratulations to the class of 2010.

Mother’s Day Love

Mother’s Day.
What an interesting celebration. Isn’t everyday mother’s day? Doesn’t it apply to both men and women? The nurturing safety of a hug or a kind word when you need it most? I do realize men are at a disadvantage in that they cannot give birth however there is much mothering to be done after birth.

I spent my mother’s day trying to help coordinate an hour visit with a very dear friend and her daughter in our local airport. If you have seen “Up In The Air” you know the one. My friend’s daughter left for work in January and the 2 of them have been apart for the last 5 months….a VERY long time. Our daughter’s are best friends which makes this story even sweeter.

I was honored to help connect mother and daughter. However, we had company….dad, sister and other friends. It was a fast meeting and the entourage in the airport was entertaining.

I think about all of the families separated from loved one’s during Mother’s Day and other holidays. The space leaves an empty spot that can only be filled with love. The love of friends, family and those closest to us.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend, a joyous Mother’s Day and most of all – I hope you remember to love and be thankful for the love of other.

Have a GREAT Week!

Planting the Seeds of Spring

The seasons have changed and summer is right around the corner.  As most people are planning for their vacations, I have an idea for you….how about reviewing your 2010 plan?  Do you have one?  Did you make resolutions to start this year?  Summer is traditionally a time when things slow down and unwind a bit. 

This makes it an optimum time to make BIG gains on the business front.  As others downshift you can trailblaze with innovative ideas and goals.  This could start a tidal wave of new business and more.

The first thing to take a look at, review the next 12 months, what are the major results you want to deliver at work?  Make sure to look at this question from the vantage point of the following groups:

  • Customers
  • Investors
  • Employees
  • The organization

The ability to grow business is endless.  Dust off or establish your goals and add measurable points in the next 12 months to check on progress.  Another part of this evolution will be a regenerated leadership.  As you develop your goals and 12 month plan, make sure to optimize areas for leadership and personal growth. Goal attainment is important however how you get there is also significant. 

Spring is a time of birth and renewal.  Take this time of year and energize your work, your business.