The Power of Thought

Good Morning day.  It’s going to rock.  As you read my first two sentences I wonder how many of you think – wow, what is she taking?  And how many of you think, that’s right.  Let’s get this awesome day started.  The idea that our thoughts contribute to our health and well-being is not a new concept but it is one that requires greater concentration and focus.  We are bombarded with messages 24/7 through various media and technological devices.

As we enter the day it is important that we focus on the things we have control over, the things we can change.  It starts with our thoughts and our attitude.  These are amplified through our actions and interactions with others.  Are you a blessing to others?  Do you feel like a gray cloud surrounds you?  Think about the information you are allowing in to your life and in to your mind.  Is it positive  Is it negative?  Does it make you laugh or cry?  This is one major area where you have the ability to make a change.  I have gone on a news strike on more than one occasion.  When I do this I find that I  am much happier and grounded.

I also store positive mental pictures for future use….  A couple of examples include a light breeze whistling through the trees with the birds chirping in the background.  Another picture would be the laughter of children playing on a playground.  These pieces of sunshine feed my internal light and hopefully reflect back in to the world at some point.

As we enter summer I would encourage you to think about your mindset.  What do you think about?  How can you bless yourself and bless others?  Focus on the things you can change and watch a beautiful new world emerge.  All is well, brilliant and beautiful.  Welcome Summer 2012.



Today the news was pelted with another story about a shooting at a high school.  As I listened to the news I was driving between the grocery store and home.  I noticed that I drove past 4 schools, 1 high school, 1 middle school and 2 elementary schools.  I imagined all of the children nestled in their classrooms.  Earlier in the day parents rushed through their Monday routine to get their week off to a great start.

As the parents said good-bye to their children I am sure they all envisioned the safety of classrooms, classmates and faculty.  How could a world like this be shattered with senseless violence?  I cannot imagine the agony of everyone involved in such a senseless act. 

Our future is swaying in the balance right now.  Our children deserve a childhood filled with love and laughter.  Safety should not be a preoccupation for their active minds.  We have to be a better society.  Have electronics separated us from our children?  Do you know what your kids are thinking?  feeling?  Who are their friends?  If they are hurting inside, would you know?  Would you know what to do?

I want to strongly encourage all of us to reach out to ALL of the young people around us.  They need us.  Children need role models.  Children need love.  Children need the safety to blossom and grow.  Please take a moment and think about the young minds you encounter.  We can all make a difference…reach out.

Children are a blessing from God.  They are our future.  We can do this.

Valentines Day Everyday?

Last week we celebrated Valentines Day.  The day when we exchange cards, sweets, flowers and messages of love and devotion.  Wouldn’t it be interesting to celebrate the attribute of love everyday? 

Isn’t this what we are called to do? 

It goes beyond the romantic love we read about in novels and greeting cards.  There is the love of family, the love of friends and so many other channels of love.

Christianity calls us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  Now, there’s a challenge. 

How would the world change if we behaved with this Golden Rule in mind? 

I am still working on my resolutions for 2012 and they are going well however I am going to add one, celebrate love every day.  It surrounds us if we will simply look for it.  It can be found in the smile from a family member or the kind gesture from a friend.  If you look at life through the eyes of love the world becomes a warmer and beautiful place.  Sounds like an oasis, doesn’t it?  It can be our reality with a change of perspective.

I am grateful for the gift of LOVE!

Happy Valentines Day.

Welcome 2012

A New Year has blessed us. 

It is an opportunity to reset and begin again.  Very similar to asking for redemption from our sins.  I reset when I pray.  I ask for guidance, direction and most of all forgiveness.  This reminds me of starting a New Year. 

What can I do better in the coming year?  What do I need forgiveness for?  Who do I need to forgive?

Do I have clear guidance on the goals for the year?  Have I given them enough thought?  How will I track my progress?

Have I established a clear vision for the year and beyond?

I love these questions and have spent a lot of time thinking about them.  Now is the time to ensure I have my plan in place.  At the top of my list is my daily time in prayer and conversation with God.  I am FULLY confident that if I can consistently start my day in prayer and conversation with God my days will go the direction they need to and my plan will be fulfilled.

This will foster peace and prosperity in my life and in those around me.  It is my life’s mission to listen and serve.

Welcome 2012….here I am.


Ho, ho, ho and …

Ho, ho, ho and Merry Christmas.  As we prepare our hearts may we keep the spirit of love in our minds and deeds.  We are celebrating the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.  He gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may know true peace and love.  So that we may enjoy a blessed life in eternity.

I realize this event has become quite commercialized however the spirit of hope is still growing strong.  As we walk thru this life we will always encounter the Grinches and scripture can shed light on these dark corners of the world.  I especially like;  “Do not judge so that you will not be judged” Matthew 7:1

It is hard to pray for those who have wronged us or hurt us but it is absolutely essential to our Christian growth.  I have been especially challenged this holiday season and I continue to have great faith in the goodness of people.  We all have the capacity to help each other and to express love.

May this be the foundation for all things ahead of me.  Thank you God.

Merry Christmas 2011




Mile High Faith

Have you been bit by Tebow fever?  Certainly if you are a football fan of any variety you have heard about the Denver Bronco quarterback; Tim Tebow.  He is known for giving thanks to Jesus Christ his savior at the end of any game – win or lose.  He also credits his teammates and thanks God with every opportunity he receives. 

As I have watched the Broncos win the the last moments of the last few games or win in Overtime, I am entertained and excited.  You see I have been a Bronco fan since I was 9 years old….that was a long time ago.  But as I watch these last minute wins I notice my own faith in the ability of the team is tested – do I really believe or am I just a fair weather fan?

This leads me to a larger lesson.  I think Tim Tebow is showing us all week in and week out what faith is all about. 

Do we really believe?  Do we really accept Christ as our savior?  Is our life focused on this relationship?  There is no greater relationship in our lives.  Can it be a football player is helping us all return to our faith?  This is the biggest win.  There is no Greater Win in life than to have a fulfilling relationship with God.  To thank our redeemer daily.  This is my touchdown. 

 Thank you Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos.   GO TEAM!  Thank you God.

Ode to Mom

Today is my mom’s birthday.  It is the perfect day for me to reflect on all of the blessings she has shared with me.  We have shared joys, laughs and sorrow.  She has been there to hold my hand or give me words of encouragement in the face of some very challenging times.  I never envisioned the pain we would share or how we would grow closer because of it. 

My mom has a distinctive laugh one I think I may have inherited.  I love to hear my mom laugh.  Those times when she laughed so hard tears were streaming down her face.  I have this picture etched in my mind.  It always produces a smile.  

I talk to my mom almost daily.  The talks can range from topics of kids to religion and everything in between.  I haven’t lived close to home since I graduated high school.   The separation of miles has not deterred our ability to remain close.  I am so grateful for this.   

I remember when I was younger hearing “just wait until you have kids of your own.”  Am I the only one who heard that from their mother?  I am indeed a mother and have grown in understanding what was meant by this phrase.  However my mom omitted one little detail….things get magnified through the generations. 

As I celebrate My Mom’s Birthday, I celebrate love and caring.  I have been blessed to have a rich and rewarding relationship with my mom.  Mom’s are special.  

Mom I am sending you sunshine and visions of banana cream pie on your special day. 

Happy Birthday.


Have you ever been with someone who has special needs?

I am not talking about the need to chat or someone who needs a hug but rather someone who has special needs such as a missing body part or mental challenge?

I have had the honor of being in the presence of such people and I am continually surprised at how they bless my day. When I pay attention I am constantly amazed at how they see the world.

The optimism and sunshine that I witness is unmatched. It also makes me wonder just how much better the world would be if we all had more of this spirit within us.

Do I wake up happy to embrace a new day? Am I filled with awe at the possibilities in front of me?

My prayer is that I can also be special and embrace the wonders around me.

Look for the beauty of the moment and enjoy the blessings of each day.

Game Day

Can you hear the roar of cheering crowds this time of year?

Football has indeed returned.  Whether it’s the Friday night lights illuminating the sky in small towns across the United States or major stadiums rocking with action in major cities on Sunday….football is back.

For me, football is filled with tradition.  There are school songs to be sung and special meals to be made.  Who can attend a football game without a hotdog and a cold beverage?  Then there is the special attire.  Depending on the weather this could range from snow boots to sandals and the favorite jersey for my team.  The preparation can take a good amount of time and thought.

The excitement builds on and off the field.

For the teams, there’s the pre-game meal and rituals, warm up and then…the grand entrance.  When I think about all of the people involved in creating the hype of the game the numbers area staggering.  The band is playing, the crowds are singing and the food vendors are keeping the grills cooking.  It is an American pastime. 

There are so many things to celebrate both on and off the field.  The spirit of competition and pride is heartwarming.  Many life lessons can be applied to game day.  Teamwork, perseverance, hard work and dedication to name a few.

So as you watch your favorite team hit the gridiron, think about all of the hours of hard work put in by the teams, the support staff, families and more.  Go team go!

Unexpected Blessings

I took a walk early this morning and while I was drinking in the sky drenched in a shower of peach, orange and blue I noticed an ornament…..a hot air balloon. This was an unexpected blessing to my walk.
Have you ever considered all of the unexpected blessings in your day? They come in the most unusual packages. It could be the warmth of a smile or a green light on your way to a destination. Do we notice the blessings of our days?
The air was crisp this morning and the grass blanketed with a fresh coat of dew. We had storms overnight and the fireworks provided by mother nature were nothing short of breathtaking. They included thunder, lightening and unfortunately LARGE hail. It looked like it was raining golf balls….only mother nature could produce such a spectacle.  Could there be other unexpected blessings in this?
I will hold on to the vision of the hot air balloon as the theme for my Friday. It was light, airy and whimisical. What could be better for the day? What will your theme be?  I am grateful for unexpected blessings!